The Wandering Wino Blog

Four Brix - BlendZ White

Four Brix Blendz

(Full disclosure, sample provided by Blendz - Tom and Sandy. I offer the wine segment on their radio show.)

Remeber (before answering machines) when you called somebody, and if they weren't home, you had to call back? How about when you wanted to find a number you pulled the phone book, and used your phone with that 50 foot cord on it so you could move around?

Funny how in today's society, everything is so different. I discovered Four Brix winery on Twitter. We started a conversation, and then I learned they were pouring out of a local wine shop. It didn't take me too long to pay them a visit at The Wineyard and that was nearly two years ago.

Tom and Sandy invited me to join their team and handle the wine segment on KVTA 1590 one year ago. In recent months this small world has gotten smaller. Tom and Sandy now have joined forces with Four Brix to put out their own line called BlendZ. 

As the name implies, the wines are various varietal blends mainly sourcing fruit from Camp 4 in Santa Barbara County. Three wines in total, including the white 'Half Moon' I tasted recently. 

The nose offered a beautiful floral and vanilla nose. This rounded white danced with great acidity that would make for easy food pairings. A refreshing burst of orange citrus could be had almost anytime of day. Just a touch of oak, kiss of resisdual sugar, and all well integrated. Just might be the perfect picnic wine!

No varietals were listed, and that left me doing what I love, guessing blind. Might I suggest this blend could be Viognier, Sauvignon Blanc, and Orange Muscat? Pick up a bottle ($28) at Four Brix and make your own guesses. 



